About Me

A Masters Student in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University, Noida.
Great things come in small packages....If you wanna see??? Here I am!!! I am very amiable and a gregarious guy who accepts any friend who matches up to my personal standards and am very committed to friendship too.
But beware; I am a tough nut to crack & a guy with lots of attitude and very possessive about things close to me. I don't respect people who don't respect others beliefs or choices. I do stand up for other more than myself. And let me tell you I am very rude at times, very very short tempered. I just love soft romantic songs & movies of world’s greats. I love eating junk foods. Am always aware of what I am doing & can differentiate well between the good and the bad!! I love the color WHITE and am really addicted to it. I love chatting with my friends. I live in the present and don't think much about the future, I Do whatever I feel is right and I love my life...I don’t care what others say or think about me coz, I AM WHAT I AM.. And that’s something which no one can change. I believe in the Mantra "if you could meet with both triumph and disaster, treat both these imposters just the same" And take life as it comes...
Nothing last forever, so live your present to the fullest, take chances coz.. More the risk you take, the more you tends to gain and never regret...coz at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.

Born on the 1st of Dec. to Prof. J.K. Biswas & Kimcha Lhouvum Biswas in a small town call Motbung in the vicinity of Imphal in Manipur, I possess all the traits that a typical Sagittarian has. Right from my childhood, I was quiet obedient, bright and intelligent with a sparkling eyes which often twinkle with good humor but filled with naughtiness.
I was always cheerful, enthusiastic, willing and always trying to be ahead. I was always noticed because of my strong sense of confidence and my willingness to take risk but often landing on the other side of the law. I may be tactless but never deliberately cruel. And I have the spirit in me to fight for what I believes is right, not bothering about whom I need to fight with. I m straight forward and expects people to be straight forward to me too.
I love to learn and explore things unknown to me and give a creative interpretation to it and also possess an unerring wit. I do have a good memory for facts, but often forgets the simple everyday objects. I m versatile and love challenges and so even in the dullest routing things I seek challenges. I love to do several things at a time and do succeed in completing each work efficiently though people forbid me to perform task simultaneously. I works best when I am allowed to get on with the job at my own speed, which is usually fast. Adding to that, I don’t get tired unless I m bored.
Speaking of social life, I enjoy making and receiving social visits but do not enjoy formality. I love informal gathering with friends and relatives where I can roam or chat about freely without any restriction. In fact socializing has been limited within friends and relatives and I am not too fond of socializing with others. I hate partying in clubs and discos. However people find me erratic though I think I am not, rather I feel I am eccentric and find it difficult to keep a secret.
And talking about my passion, it has to be sports. I have a keen interest in almost every game played in India of which Football (Soccer) is my best followed by Volleyball, Cricket, Tennis etc. I play almost all the game to some level but expertise in none. However I am not bothered as I play game for fun, relaxation and to interact with people, not to take up as a career.
And as far as my career interest is concern, I aim to become a media personality, starting off with reporting for a renowned media organization. And being a computer savvy and having a creative blend of mind, I have master the art of graphics designing, video editing and animation and so I would like to run a small Advt. agency and developed gradually. In fact I would like to be my own boss. I also have a great knack for film making and wish to direct films one day.
So those were the traits and characters’ which I possess.

I was more of Mama’s boy always clinging to her. With a younger sister (Sabori) and many cousins, life was never dull. It was always filled with excitement. I was brought up by my parents with the right dose of discipline and liberty. And they knew exactly when I want what and gave me everything accordingly. I was never deprived even of my biggest desires, but my parents taught me not to take everything for granted. They taught me the value of hard work and to love and respect people irrespective of their cast or creed. They always tried to infuse in us (me and my sister) the spirit of Patriotisms and love for thy country.

LIFE IN E.T.S. (My First School)
When 4, I was admitted to a school named E.T.S. where one of my parents had to wait for me in the school office or lawn for the whole day. After every period I would come out to look for them and on not finding them I would start crying and run towards home, making my teachers run after me, often the Headmaster running after me too.Then in no time I got adjusted with the school norms and started opening up. Everyone began to know my true color and in no time I started dominating the class in all aspects but not on the academic front. I was often thrashed by teachers for being naughty and for not learning my lessons. This continued till standard III and gradually my intelligence began to open up and developed a knack for study.In standard IV, Sir Athong joined the school, and he is the one who turn around my academic career by teaching us not only the contents of the books but about the outside world. It was the time where I started thinking differently with always a question in my mind. However, years quickly passed by and I was already in Std.VI and my parents were concern about sending me off for a better education to Kolkata. So the next year I left E.T.S. for Kolkata. However I ‘ll ever remain indebted to E.T.S. for what it has given me. I m really grateful to my Teachers viz, Sir Haopu, Sir Haolenthang, Sir Thangaisang, Sir Sehlal and not forgetting Sir Athong.


However the epicenter of enjoyment was my Grand Parents home, where we all use to gather and play various games. Playing cards was something usual on rainy days when outdoor activities were restricted. However, on fine days, playing with marbles or some other games on my Grand Parents lawn was a common sight for all, with mostly all colony kids joining. The game we mostly played was a three a side football tournament in the lawn which use to be a great hit, even passerby stopping to watch the match. It was our daily routine to meet there after school, after changing uniforms in our respective houses and running towards our Grand Parents home. Most of the time we have our tiffin’s there like boiled maize, cucumber, steamed esculent root (bal boot) or various fruits that grew there in their garden and then start playing till dusk. We, as a kid use to enjoy it a lot. We never bothered to return home until one of our parents would come with a stick to thrash us.
It is the hub of enjoyment for all of us till today. Though many are no more to be seen around today as few are married off, few shifted residence, or few in some other place for various reasons. We do make it a point to meet during Christmas every year, but that too no longer happens often. However, gathering there today, we tends to wander back to our sweet memories down the lane and enjoy the bygone days and comparing the childhood we had with today’s kids, who are tech savvy and consider the games we played games of the fools.One instance where my parents use to get furious was going to other villages, crossing hills on foot, for a football match, with Rs 10/- as the winning prize. Apart from that my parents tolerated me hard but Mom often losing patience and ending up thrashing me. But I never bothered about being thrashed as long as I enjoyed. Dad seldom scolded us (me & Sabori) for our naughtiness. He scolded us only when we neglect our studies. However Mom was always there to restrict our liberty as she knew the after effects. So, to say I am very glad to have such a memorable childhood.
Loads of thanks to my parents for bringing me up in such a way that I did not missed a single thing in life. Then the plan for sending me off to Kolkata for further studies was intensified and finally I came to Kolkata.


There I was admitted to a boarding school named Holy Home in Serampore on the outskirt of Kolkata. I still remember, it was the 22nd of April, Dad and few family members came to drop me. Dad was also finding it hard to leave me. However Dad encouraged me and promised me a visit the next week and bid me goodbye and turned back. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Though I was naughty, I had never stayed away from my parents and I was feeling as if I was all alone in this world. That day I cried a lot lying on my bed but not letting anyone know. Perhaps that was the most difficult day of my life. Coming fresh from a life full of freedom, liberty and enjoyment I found it tough to get accustomed with hostel life. It suffocated me to the extent that I even attempt to escape from the hostel but was caught. Dad visited next week and took me home for few days and encourage me again. This time I returned with full determination.  passed by and in no time I got acclimatized with the hostel norms and began to feel like home again.With constant encouragement from parents and the expectation that my family had upon me, I became more cautious about my studies and worked hard to be among the best. I started to look life differently. It was in the hostel where I understood what life is. Staying in the hostel has taught me to be self-disciplined, self-dependent and above all more responsible. The love and care I got from my teachers never made me feel that I was away from Home which was a morale booster for me. Vacations came and went by. I use to go home during vacations and gossip about my hostel life to relatives and friends. It was during those vacations when my friends and relatives would point out the abrupt changes in me. With every vacation I go Home they said, “You have changed a lot”. “You have become so quiet”. May be that was the effect of staying away from the warm nest of parents.
However retuning back to hostel after every vacation made me homesick for few weeks and then got adjusted again. Years flew by and I passed out my ICSE with flying colours and it was the time when many of my close friends left the school for another one, which once again made me feel very nostalgic. I was to study their till ISC. Many new friends arrived again and being an old student and now a senior I was given many responsibilities which I performed very efficiently. Another couple of years flew by and I had already appeared my ISC. And now I had to leave Holy Home and once again tears rolled down my cheeks. I was now finding it hard to leave my Holy Home family who has taught me so much about life. I will never forget the teachers who have done so much for me like Sir S.Mukherjee, Madam V.Jacob, Sir D.Mukherjee, Sir Uttam Mukherjee, Miss Roshan, Madam Arpita etc. etc. Every good thing should come to an end and nothing last forever. Life has to move on…Seven years in Holy Home just whist past and another innings in life was about to begin.

So, it was the time to choose the profession I was to be in. Parents wanted me to be a Doctor.But I was more interested in studying something which involves lots of adventure and intellectuality in it. I also had a creative blend of mind with a knack for film making. So I decided to learn animation and got admitted in Arena Multimedia (Salt Lake). I also wanted something more and so got admitted in George College to graduate with Media Science.
With the combine affect of Animation and Media Sc. in my kitty I wish to work in a Media Org. I would like to kick start my career as a Reporter and then explore various aspect of media related work. I also wish to start my own channel someday and be my own boss.
With lots of aspiration and with lots of dreams I worked hard during my college days so that I reach my goal someday and contribute something to my people.