Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Interview of Megha Chaudhary, The Girl Who Quit Netball for Boxing

A member of the National Women’s Netball Team who represented India in international tournaments including the Commonwealth Games Delhi, Megha Chaudhary was doing good for herself in the sport where she got selected because of her lanky feature even before mastering the art of the game. However within few months of learning the basics of the game she made her way up to the National team.

However unlike others who would consolidate their position in the team, the 17 year old school girl decided to quit the game after reaching such height to pursue all together a different game-Boxing. After representing the nation in Netball, the 6’1” tall girl is training hard in boxing to make a name for her and bring laurels for the country.

Speaking to Babua Biswas from Bhiwani where she is currently training, she spoke on various issues regarding her life, ambitions and the game she played and the game she is mastering at the moment.

Click HERE to Read Full Article

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